
people of good will中文什么意思

发音:   用"people of good will"造句
  • 善良的人们, 好心的人们
  • people:    n. (pl.1.为 peoples, 其他为 peop ...
  • good:    adj. (better; best ) (opp. b ...
  • will:    vt. 1.决心要,立志要。 2.凭意志的力量使…。 3 ...
  • good people:    仙女们。
  • the good people:    仙妖
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  1. People of good will in the arab countries are struggling against israeli aggression


        people:    n. (pl.1.为 peoples, 其他为 peop ...
        good:    adj. (better; best ) (opp. b ...
        will:    vt. 1.决心要,立志要。 2.凭意志的力量使…。 3 ...
        good people:    仙女们。
        the good people:    仙妖
        all you good good people:    你们都是好人
        to praise good people and good deeds:    表扬好人好事
        a good government and a united people:    政通人和
        be good at helping people:    乐于帮助别人
        good and honest people special:    颛民
        good country people:    善良的乡下人
        good people will eventually be rewarded:    好人终有好报
        promote the loyal and good people:    显忠遂良
        voice the good wishes of the people:    表达人民的美好愿望
        a people:    指民族; 指一个国家或地区的
        of people:    这班人
        of the people:    由人组成的
        people:    n. (pl.1.为 peoples, 其他为 people) 1. 种族;民族。 2. 人民。 3. 居民;(团体、行业等中的)人们。 4.〔常与所有格连用〕(对君主而言的)臣民;教区教徒,随从;家,家属,亲属;〔学生用语〕亲戚;祖先。 5.〔the people〕平民,老百姓。 6.(一般的)人,人们;人类 (opp. animals)。 7.〔作不定代名词用〕人家,有的人。 8.〔主诗〕生物。 a warlike people 一个好战的民族。 the English people 英国人民。 the peoples of Europe 欧洲诸民族。 the people's front 人民阵线。 the village people 村民。 the people here 这里的居民。 literary people 文人们。 He has gone to his wife's people. 他到他丈母家去了。 My people have lived here for generations. 我家世世代代都是住在这里。 a man of the people 一个老百姓。 Few people know the truth. 很少人知道实情。 as people go 照一般人讲。 of all people 在许多[所有]人中(偏偏…)。 P- say that ... 人们说,据说…。 the best people 〔口语〕上流社会人士。 the Chosen P- 【宗教】上帝的选民〔指基督徒〕;犹太人。 vt. 1.使人到…去住,使住满人,在…殖民。 2.把(动物)放养在 (with)。 3.〔用 p.p.〕住在,栖息在;布满,占据。 a thickly [sparsely] peopled country 人口稠密[稀少]的国家。
        people the:    人民报
        the people:    人民,公诉人
        they these people:    那些人; 这些人
        will of the people:    民意
        a good:    相当
        as good as:    和...几乎一样, 实际上等于..; 和…一样好; 几乎(实际)已经; 几乎已经,实际上等于,和……几乎一样; 相当于
        be good:    听话; 做个好人》



  1. people of all nationalities 什么意思
  2. people of all ranks 什么意思
  3. people of all ranks and classes 什么意思
  4. people of all shapes and sizes 什么意思
  5. people of all walks of life 什么意思
  6. people of his sort 什么意思
  7. people of japanese descent 什么意思
  8. people of limited means capital fund 什么意思
  9. people of mixed blood 什么意思
  10. people of our group 什么意思


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